whatmuttiforgot wrote in goshdarnspam Mar 21, 2011 20:11
ewan mcgregor kisses everybody, it's a trap, more tea mr beetle?, why not dragons, meerkats galore, *points to eyes; points to your asses*, foolish mortal, let's get some shoes, happy funtimes, party hard!, look i come bearing shiny gifts, brooklyn raaaaaage, i want. my drink., awesometastic, biebirthday, kitties!, i made your post better, gay dancing always, sexy tiemz, desu, that will not give you lesbians, do we dazzle you?, what is love, it's my buh-buh-biiiirthday, whisker zone alert, only the terriblest, sparkles are always on the menu, snowcones forever!, your face, zuuuul, there is no therapy for this, critical bishonen mass attained, next time i am charging $3.99 for this, i can taste the rainbow, cnc is everyone's boyfriend, yippiekayetcetera, the peeps are watching you, havin' a good time, cake is a lie, birthday sex, birthday spam, boom de ya da, delicious caek is yours
yacchan wrote in goshdarnspam Feb 05, 2011 13:11
come meet people from the internet, comic something or others, brooklyn raaaaaage, c&c plays in traffic, yami is trendy, fuck you ticketleap, yami will roll you up, yami is a failboat